Director R Balakrishnan, well known as Balki is all set to come up with an upcoming film Paa. Balki has come up with an idea in this film which is quite weird. Actually he has planned to cast Abhishek as Amitabh Bachchan’s father in his film Paa.
Some sources said that Amitabh is playing a man in this film who became aged very fast and because of that he looks far other than his actual age. A Special make up artiste is made responsible for Amitabh Bachchan’s looks in the film.
Shooting for this movie has already started. It is also known that it takes nearly more than 3 hours to apply the make up to Amitabh Bachchan. Not only this but after the scene it takes almost one hour to remove the make up even. Currently they are shooting for the same film in Malaysia.