Ayush Raina, a thirty-five-year-old debutant director suffered from a heart attack on the sets of his upcoming unveiling film Mumbai Cutting. It is heard that the director was shooting for almost 52 hours continuously. The film has around 11 directors making short films for a single film together. They had a non-stop schedule of around 52 hours. Ayush had two sleepless nights prior to the 52-hour shooting schedule that included rehearsals.
His brother Kavir Raina confirmed that Ayush did suffer a heart attack because of the work pressure. He also said that this happened yesterday at about 4.30 in the evening in the producer's office in Goregoan. They were shooting at a small bar near Filmcity in Goregoan and since he did not sleep and hardly ate anything, he suffered a heart attack. They rushed him to Sai Sparsh a local hospital in Goregoan (East) where he is admitted currently. The doctors said that his condition is stable but he will have to be in the ICU for atleast a couple of days more before they can further advise.
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