After making digs at Amitabh Bachchan and Shahrukh Khan via his blogs, now its Salman Khan’s turn. We remember that in his blog he has insulted SRK by calling him a dog. Not only this but he also said that Shahrukh is licking his shoes!!! That was not enough for him. It is heard that in Aamir’s next upcoming film Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na, Aamir and director Abbas Tyrewalla put together a hilarious song, which is inspired by Salman Khan.
Aamir is not only taking care of discussing even a minute detail of his nephew’s film Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na. Not only this but he also played an important role in composing and writing the songs of the film.
Recently, Aamir had a music sitting with Abbas Tyrewalla to discuss the concept of a particular song. Abbas had to come up with the lyrics as per Aamir's expectations. The song has a lot of attitude and spunk and is filmed on Imran and his gang of friends where they are addressing the song to Pappu (Aur Pappu Pass Ho Gaya), a broad-shouldered rich guy in their college. It was amusing to watch Aamir discussing the concept keeping Salman in mind and he also ended up saying at the music sitting that he hopes Salman doesn't mind this song.
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