Salman Khan has struggled to accomplish a six pack abs for his upcoming and ambitious film Veer. Veer movie is produced by Vijay Galani and Eros International. This movie is directed by Anil Sharma and music is given by Sajid Wajid. It is known to be a period musical love story.
It is said that Salman wanted a warrior look for this film and he had to wait for 15 years to make this film. When the film was finalized he read the script and worked on the script of this film. After much thinking Salman decided that he will have long hair and a spectacular looks.
When he went to London, he followed a strict diet and exercise regime. He complete completely gave up rice. He used to eat boiled chicken and proteins only. He gave up oily and fried stuff. The results are there for everyone to see now.
Vijay Galani who is the producer of this film said that when he had signed Salman, they had not decided on the script or the director. He just signed him since he wanted to work with him and Salman gave him the idea of making this film. He knew that the film had a huge canvas that needed a lot of pre-production work. Then Anil Sharma came on board and they did research and decided on their shooting locations.
The film is set between 1860 and 1900 and they traveled all over the country to look for a story. Then they decided to make a film on the Pindari tribe from Rajasthan which did not give in to the British rule. Salman plays a member of that tribe. After much discussion they also decided on this look with long hair. Salman has worked very hard on his body and his look. They are all set to shoot the film now. The film will be completed by April or May next year and will be shot in various parts of India with a major schedule in London.
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