Same like Deepika Padukone, Priyanka Chopra is also seen with different men. It seems that there is a shower of men on her too. Earlier it was known that Priyanka Chopra is going on with Harman Baweja. Then there was air saying Priyanka Copra is getting closer to Shahid Kapoor.
Now there is someone else who is close to Priyanka and he is Gerard Buttler, a Scottish actor. The two are seen together at many places and many times. It is known from a closest friend of Priyanka that, Priyanka and Gerard have kept in touch with each other through the mobile messages and phone calls. Now it seems both of them share a deep bonding for each other. This bonding was open to see for almost all in Shahrukh’s party that took place in Dubai.
Now it is also known that recently, Priyanka and Gerard had lunch and coffee together in Chicago. Priyanka was recently shooting for Ashutosh Gowarikar’s film, What’s your Rashee? Someone also confirmed saying both of them shared a quality time with each other in Chicago.
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