Subsequent to playing a number of decorous roles, Rani Mukherjee has now taken a twist. In Yash Raj’s next film, directed by Kunal Kohli, Rani Mukherjee who also featured in Pyaar Diwana Hota Hai opposite Govinda is now doing some daring stunts. Rani had to balance herself on cable wires like Hrithik Roshan in Krrish 2 (sequel of Krrish) and Hema Malini in Seeta Aur Geeta. Authenticating the same, Kohli says that Rani had undergone many try-outs and experiments for the stunt scenes in the movie. He also said that they shot on many outdoor locations in Mumbai, at Film City and inside the Yash Raj studios. At every location they had to take extreme preventative measure. It could have been very hazardous if Rani Mukherjee had lost her balance. Gratefully, she dragged it off without retakes. This film will show new Rani in picture.
It is heard that some special costumes are designed for Rani for this film. Manish Malhotra and action director Shyam Kaushal took that responsibility. She had to wear a specific kind of clothes before she could do the stunt scenes.
Rani plays a guardian angel that comes down to earth to look after business-executive Saif Ali Khan’s children. So now the question is why does an angel need to do such type of dangerous stunts? Lets wait and watch!!!!
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