It is heard that Saif Ali Khan is completely obsessed by Kareena Kapoor. Lately, Saif tossed a party in honour of Kareena, as he believes that his latest film, Race has succeeded only because of his Lucky mate Kareena. Saif invited a few of his and Kareena's close friends at a suburban five star hotel for a dinner party on Wednesday. The guest list included Bebo's two school friends apart from Saif's business partner Dinesh Vijan and personal trainer Satya, who also accompanies the actor on his outdoor shoots.
Even though the couple is exceptionally busy because of their packed work schedule, Saif planned the dinner party. He invited his and Kareena’s close friends to celebrate the success of his latest film. He thinks that Bebo has brought him a lot of luck in his personal as well as professional life.
The party started at 11 pm as Saif was busy shooting for an ad film while Bebo was shooting for her film opposite Salman at Filmcity. They opened a champagne bottle to celebrate after which there was a lot of light-hearted banter on the dinner table. Some of them had seen the rushes of Tashan and they were teasing the couple about their sizzling chemistry on-screen. Bebo kept blushing while Saif watched her and smiled.
And then last thing but not at all least was that after the dinner, Saif had planned a cosy candle light dinner for just him and Bebo. Saif is extremely happy with the way things are. He gives all the credit to Bebo for his personal as well as professional success
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