We all are aware that Vikram Bhatt has constantly been in news recently over his break up with his long-time girlfriend Ameesha Patel. Now he is suspected link with his 1920 actress Adhah Sharma, and producing a big budget horror film 1920, after the super success of Raaz. When he was asked about his feelings when he reads about his ex-girlfriend Ameesha being happy with the new man, Kanav Puri in her life. He replied that he thinks two people come together in order to be happy. But if you are not happy together even after trying hard, it is no one's fault. You should move on. He would have been sad if Ameesha had not found happiness after moving away. So, he is quite happy for her. It was also heard that Ameesha’s parent were not happy with Ameesha’s relationship with Vikram and when they heard that they have split they are quite happy. But Vikram said that her parents are too insignificant for him to comment on. It is heard that her parents claim that Vikram instigated Ameesha against them. Vikram replied to this that it is absurd, and anyone who believes that is a fool. Ameesha's parents stole her money and she walked out on them. What has that got to do with him? Obviously, bank accounts can't be wrong, that too for six years. The fact that even after Ameesha and Vikram broke up she has not made up with her parents. It is reported that he tends to jump from one relationship to another. But he said that he is not Lucky in relationships. In some cases, he has been guilty of not trying hard enough while in some he has tried too hard and have failed. With every failure, there's a resulting heartache. He is certainly not an emotional masochist. He also said that he is very much single. He has never kept his relationships secret. He knows that wearing his heart on his sleeve is giving him a bad reputation, but he refuses to be a charlatan.
Apparently, his latest film 1920 stars two new comers and they come at a whopping cost. He believes that one should give today's audience the best that money can buy. Since the ticket price is the same whether it is a big budget or a small budget film, why should the audience make a concession? They must get their money's worth. Since his company ASA Productions first film, Mumbai Salsa, did not do well at the box office, 1920 must be really important for him. Mumbai Salsa got a lot of acclaim though the time of release killed the film. But, it was really a good film. The fact that the overseas distributor sent it to Cannes should speak for it. 1920 is an
ambitious film and his partners Mr Sharma and Mrs Bishnoi, and he himself has put their money where their mouth is. They are very happy with the film. In fact, He can't wait for it to hit the theatres.
He feels complete being single. That is more important than anything. One should not need another person to complete one. When one is incomplete he is also incomplete in a relationship. Right now, his aim is to train his daughter to swim. She works with him during her holidays.
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