Salman Khan's reality quiz show, 10 Ka Dum on Sony TV, is all set to be on air this week end and Salman Khan is leaving no stone unturned to make the show a grand success. There were speculations that Salman has been constantly doing mock rehearsals at his brother, Sohail Khan's office. However during one of the mock rehearsals, Salman himself was completely foxed by a question based on cricket. The next thing he did was to call his ex-girlfriend Sangeeta Bijlani and asked her to speak to her husband Azharuddin to get the correct answer.
During the ridicule rehearsals of 10 Ka Dum, one of the questions that deceived everyone was about cricket. Before anyone could react, Salman reached for his cell phone and called his ex-girlfriend Sangeeta Bijlani and requested her to speak to her husband Mohammad Azharuddin. Salman spoke to Azhar and checked out the correct answer and got back to work leaving everyone around him completely stunned.
Not many people are aware, but Salman has kept in touch with Sangeeta and in fact Sangeeta still loves to spend time in Khan's farmhouse at Panvel.
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