Recently we heard that Shruti, Kamal Haasan’s daughter is all set to make her debut opposite Imran Khan, Aamir Khan’s nephew in Luck movie of Soham Shah. Reportedly Luck film also stars Sanjay Dutt and Mithun Chakraborthy. Gossips have been extensive about her debut film and now, Soham Shah has finalized Shruti as she fit the bill for the character he had in mind. Dhillin Mehta of Shree Ashtavinayak Cine Vision produces Luck. It seems that Soham Shah wanted to cast a new girl opposite Imran and Shruti seemed perfect for the role. They required a girl who would look innocent as well as convincing while doing the action sequences. Soham met Shruti in Chennai and she loved the script too. However, she didn’t hesitate to inform that this being her first film, she would like to take her father’s opinion before saying yes. Once she got the nod from him, she was on board. Shruti started shooting from July 8 in South Africa where the film will be shot from start to finish. The story shows all the characters coming from different parts of the world who try out their luck in South Africa. Shruti’s role includes a lot of action as she plays a girl who is tougher than the boys in the film. Shruti, who already has a well-toned body, will take lessons from action director Allan Amin to gear up for the action scenes. Her body suit the character she plays in Luck and that was a significant factor in casting her in the film.
Soham says that he is very happy to have stars like Mithun, Sanjay Dutt, Danny Denzongpa, and Ravi Kishan along with Imran and Shruti in the film and he is very excited about the film.
Soham says that he is very happy to have stars like Mithun, Sanjay Dutt, Danny Denzongpa, and Ravi Kishan along with Imran and Shruti in the film and he is very excited about the film.
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