Kunal Kohli, filmmaker of Mujhse Dosti Karoge, Hum Tum and Fanaa, is now ready to make films that have nothing to do with Yash Raj Films. Even as Kunal Kohli's Thoda Pyaar Thoda Magic co-produced by Yash Raj Films is ready for release, the filmmaker is busy making plans for his next four films, which will be made by his own production house, Kunal Kohli Productions.
Kunal Kohli, who turned producer with Thoda Pyaar Thoda Magic, has decided to go independent as a producer by making four films, which may not be a tie-up with Yash Raj Films, in the next two years. The first film, which will be directed by Kohli, is a political satire with a good dose of comedy and romance. The script of the film is almost ready.
Kohli’s assistants Vicky Bahri, Danish Aslam and Bony Gandhi will direct the three other films. Kunal said that when he started out, someone had helped him learn the intricacies of filmmaking. Similarly, he wanted to help all his teammates who want to make films with whatever little experience he has gathered.
While Thoda Pyaar Thoda Magic was made over a period of two years, the upcoming films will be made in a much shorter span. While he usually takes around two years to make his films, Kunal Kohli Productions will produce four films back to back. He will tie up with whichever studio he feels is suitable for the project..
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