Sreesanth, the new Indian bowling sensation met his father's favourite actor Aamir Khan at the finals of the IPL on Sunday in Mumbai. The chance meeting happened when Sreesanth met Imraan Khan, Aamir's nephew at the match. He, in turn, introduced him to Aamir Khan. S Sreesanth said that it was the first time that he met Aamir and he really has high regards for him as an actor and as a human being. He is a very huge star apart from being a very talented actor and director.
Sreesanth further revealed that he had a long chat with Imraan. He loved the promos of Imran’s new film Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na, and has told him so. Meeting with Imraan was more like meeting of two like-minded souls as Imraan and he sail in the same boat. Imraan is an upcoming actor, while Sree is trying to make his mark in cricket. Apart from films, they also had some general talk about workouts etc. He is positive that Imraan has the making of a good actor and a huge star. He is sure to go a long way.
Speaking about his conversation with Aamir and Imraan, Sreesanth said that basically they were chatting about cricket and the technical know-how. They were also discussing as to who will win the match. After three years he was watching a match sitting in the stadium, and not playing. It definitely made his day that on one hand he had the Ambanis sitting close to him, apart from Sachin paaji, Aamir and Imraan. It was definitely the biggest day of his life.
When asked if he will watch Imraan's debut film, he said that of course, but he guesses that he will be in Bangladesh at the time of the release, but he will surely watch it later. Did they also discuss cinema since he has also been offered a film down South. He said that they didn't, as the topic did not waver from cricket at all. Films are not Sree’s motive right now. His focus is cricket and all he wants to do is win more and more matches for his country. Acting and movies will happen some years down the line. He knows where he stands at the moment.
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